Wipe Out Spinal Pain With The Back Thing
Released on: May 1, 2008, 7:29 am
Press Release Author: The Back Thing
Industry: Healthcare
Press Release Summary: Product Developed by FB Corporation Designed to Relieve Back Pain Experienced By Millions Across the Country
Simple yet innovative product improves back support - resulting in relieved back-pain symptoms for its users, along with reduced workplace absenteeism, greater productivity and overall better health.
Press Release Body: Bedford Hills, NY (March 19, 2008) - If you listen closely, across this great big country of ours, you can hear a collective groan. That's the sound of back pain. Every day, millions of Americans - young and old - get up, go to their jobs, come home and go to sleep with back pain.
And no wonder. We sit hunched over computer keyboards or engage in backbreaking physical labor all day. Or, if our business requires travel, we're spending more time than we care to admit in train stations or airports - and then wedged into uncomfortable seats on planes or trains. And let's not even talk about those spine-jarring taxi rides from the airport to the hotel!
When we finally come home, we relax by flopping into our "easy" chairs or onto lumpy couches that offer little, if any, support. And then we lumber off to sleep in our beds (whose old, worn mattresses are as tired as we are - and likely have sleep ruts in them from too many years of use). And our kids don't have it much better: many of them slouch in uncomfortable classroom chairs day after day.
That's no way to live. Fortunately, there's no reason to endure excruciating, debilitating back pain any longer. That's where The Back Thing comes in. The Back Thing is designed to provide needed support to the muscles to the right and left of the spine. Designed by a neurosurgeon, The Back Thing's six vertical slats lend support to the seated human back. Its design and construction work together to eliminate the gap between the spine and the back of the chair, improve posture, provide proper spinal support and make sitting more comfortable, while eliminating lower-back pain.
While many people equate slouching with comfort, nothing could be further from the truth. Bad seating posture promotes and can lead to a condition known as lordosis, or swayback. The Back Thing helps to prevent lordosis by supporting the lumbar region.
Employers love The Back Thing, too. Many are investing in The Back Thing to safeguard their employees' spinal health and reduce downtime. Along with reduced workplace absenteeism due to back-related pain, these savvy employers are enjoying the benefits of increased productivity from their staff, greater morale among workers and overall better health. And that's good for your bottom line - because a happy employee is a better and more productive employee.
Putting The Back Thing to work on the job can even reduce employees' incidences of back-related doctor visits, along with reducing the need for medications to treat back pain. and that cuts down on health-insurance claims. Employers can realize annual savings of as much as $5,000 per employee.
It looks so simple. but looks can be deceiving. The Back Thing is one of the simple wonders of human engineering. Lightweight and portable, it's easy to carry and designed to go wherever you go - and be used virtually everywhere: from the home to the car, the office. even in restaurants and public-transportation seating. The Back Thing makes sitting a joy, instead of a dreaded part of your day.
About FB Corporation: The FB Corporation - manufacturers of The Back Thing - is a New York-based manufacturing company concerned with the overall spinal health of the human race. For information about The Back Thing, please visit www.thebackthing.com.
Web Site: http://www.TheBackThing.com
Contact Details: FB Corporation PO Box 125 Bedford Hills, NY 10507
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